Giving an identity and storyline to a video surveillance system for dealers and consumers.
Niscayah, a $200 million security company, wanted to launch a campaign to aquire dealers for a new remote video surveillance system. They needed a name and logo for the product as well as marketing communications to dealers and consumers.
We gave the video surveillance system a distinctive identity: “Insight 24/7.” All of the advertising material: consumer and dealer ads and brochures, post cards and exhibits featured a variety of situations. They ranged from a baby in a crib, to a super market, to a vacation home, to a marina — all at different times of the day and night to visually demonstrate the different applications around the clock.
Dealers clamored to get into the program and
DBA&D received a broader range of assignments
from Niscayah.
New name and logo
10' x 8' Trade show exhibit
Dealer ad to consumers
Dealer brochure